Friday, November 7, 2008

Just a little Poll (dancin)

Tess and I are in a fight...

Who is trashier? I say Anna Nicole Smith (rest her soul) and Tess says Pamela Anderson. We got onto this subject by discussing the likelihood of Hugh Hefner doing the grown up with the 19 year old twins he's keeping company with these days. Poor Bridgett must feel like the dorm mother over at the mansion.

I say A.N.S. because Pam can at least string together a coherent sentence...most of the time.

Anyway, who do you think is trashier and why?


Dr Zibbs said...

Anna Nicole hands down.

Mindi said...

TOTALLY anna nicole smith. i think that southern texas trailer-trash twang puts her up on top.

and the fact that she was such a friggin' train wreck for so many years. hello? bobby trendy as a bff? yikes.

Vodka Mom said...

Anna might be trashier because she's DEAD. did I just day that? I still vote for her.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Do I still have to vote if I don't like the choices? Can I write in a candidate? If yes, then I pick Kendra. Have you heard her laugh?

♥ Braja said...

Now Tallulah, you must understand the science of trash. If you did, you would conclude that Tess is, in fact, correct: she is a true scientist of trash while you--while no less glorious in your charm, personality, and wit--are simply a trash observer. The difference is, ANS is true style trash: polished to perfection, a goal, a fearlessness of living her trashiness and promoting it to the 'nth degree to suit herself. In fact, truth be told, ANS was somewhat removed from her trashiness: more Monroe-esque than TPT (trailer park trash).
Now, PA, ugh. Sorry. Pure, unadulterated trash: looking older, more used up, and trashier as the days go by. No class, not a scrap of style, no charm, and an abhorrent and low-life impulsive mechanism that pushes her to more and more degraded behavior as time goes on.
Tess wins: PA is trashiest.
Now I'm just going to toddle off and wonder why I wrote all that and where I get this stuff from....

♥ Braja said...

Hey where's all the comments!??!?! I do believe I posted a real long one. If you have it then just delete this.

♥ Braja said...

Vodka Mom, I burst out laughing at that one...well done...

Nathan said...

I'm going to throw a third one into the ring.

Courtney Love

I can't think of anyone trashier (or at least I can't think of anyone more pathetic).

Since the rules probably don't let me add to the list, though, I'll pick Anna Nicole.

♥ Braja said...

Oh, no...Courtney is too grunge rock chic....different category. Trashy yeah, but no comparison...a breed of her own.
Hell, you may be right. Pure trash.

Talullah said...

I would have to agree with Nathan that Courtney is by far the trashiest of the trashy but in this case we are talking about trashy girls that folks wanted to see naked at some point.

Holly said...

ummm...totally pam! poor anna nicole doesn't even know what she's doing. but pam is trashy on purpose.

♥ Braja said...

OK so what's the official result? Who won?!!